Long-Term Care Pharmacy Management
Pharmacies that serve long-term care, in-patient communities can trust PrimeRx™ for solutions that address their specific needs.

Look to PrimeRx for Workflow Efficiency and Automated Processing
Pharmacies that provide service to nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and assisted living facilities are challenged every day to find more efficient, streamlined processes for managing patients’ prescription drug needs. PrimeRx offers nursing home pharmacy management software designed specifically for the changing – and increasingly complex – demands of today’s long-term care facilities.
- Easy-to-use solution for creating and maintaining patient eMARs
- Ability to seamlessly share eMARs across a patient’s healthcare team
- Easily add new facilities, view patient eMARs by facility, and generate required labels
- Monitor facility performance via a range of metrics including new prescriptions or refills, per patient prescriptions, prescriber activity, and drug listings
- Search patients based on facility, and access/print corresponding eMARs
- View each patient’s history and print/edit patient dosage schedules
- PrimeRx facilitates the cycle filling process and can be adjusted to accommodate multiple fill cycles per month, based on a facility’s specific needs
- PrimeRx automatically manages batch fill orders for multiple medication needs and generates the appropriate labels
- Create prescription dose schedules for each patient
- Carry over refills in dose schedules
- PrimeRx records specific packaging requirements, which become part of a patient’s record. The system also generates the appropriate labels for each specific type of packaging
- PrimeRx seamlessly integrates physician order forms. Forms are processed and automatically added to each patient’s record