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For many, owning a pharmacy is the culmination of a life-long dream. It’s an opportunity to give patients the highest levels of care; to become a trusted member of the community; to have control over the pharmacy’s operations; and to hopefully achieve financial success. Indeed, pharmacy ownership offers many bright benefits.

For one thing, a pharmacy owner must wear many hats – pharmacist, accountant, counselor, employer, marketer, purchaser, compliance officer – to name a few. A critical first step is for a potential owner to understand all aspects of pharmacy ownership.

This includes not only the fundamentals of running a business, but awareness of the many requirements unique to the operation of a pharmacy.

A few tips:

  • How to do Your Research
  • Build a Team of Experts
  • Understand Financing Options
  • Ensure Full Regulatory Compliance Ahead of Time
  • Select the Ideal Pharmacy Technology System