Advertise on PrimeRx MARKET
Connecting Pharmaceutical Buyers and Sellers
Whether you are a product manufacturer or wholesale supplier, grow your business with the purchasing power of PrimeRx MARKET’s pharmaceutical buying members. PrimeRx MARKET’s members only platform shows your advertising to those with the buying power.

With PrimeRx MARKET Advertising
You Can:
• Increase Market Share
• Build Brand Recognition
• Target Audience Marketing
• Versatility in Ad Presentation

The Value of Your PrimeRx MARKET Partnership:
• 10 million page views annually
• 13,200 members and growing
• 1 IN 3 independent pharmacies use PrimeRx MARKET
• 200,000+ pharma buyers in our database
Banner Ads
Over 700,000 Ad Impressions per month
Within our members online portal, we can place your banner ad in either the header or footer area.
Provide your artwork and applicable link, or let our team design your ad to maximize its effectiveness and your marketing dollars!
Pharmacy Popup Message
Highest ROI
- Pharmacy Popup Message displays at each login and each member must click close to close message.
- Each member is auto logged off overnight to ensure the message displays each day.
- The Average Pharmacy logs in to PrimeRx MARKET three times per day, displaying the message three times to each Pharmacy member.